Nettle (Nokkonen) – underestimated wild herb

Nettle and seeds

Nettle is underestimated

Nettle is the underrated, underestimated and uncrowned king of superfoods. It is loaded with nutrients and thus a great help for invigoration of the body. Nettle gives your body more vitality and helps to make you feel more energetic.

Nettle is the king of superfoods

Nettle has been used for ages both internally and externally. It is loaded with vitamins C, A, and K1, and contains zinc, iron, magnesium, and calcium in abundance. Urtica dioica ssp. sondenii and Urtica dioica ssp. dioica are different varieties of nettle.

How to use nettle

You can add nettle practically to any foods in which you would use spinach, such as omelettes, pancakes, smoothies, etc. This way, you can update your daily foods to the next level.

These products contain nettle

We also sell nettle for the food industry. Ask for more!


Nettle is one of the first wild herbs to push out of the ground after the long winter in Finland. It is best to pick them away from car roads with gloves on your hands.

To get away from the stinging part of the nettle, pour some hot water over the nettles. After that, they are ready to be frozen or used for cooking. You can also dry nettle and put it in a glass jar.

Studies on Nettle

  • Luonnonkasveista kosmetiikkaa ja terveysvaikutuksia, Marika Laurila. Lutunen, Luke ja Lapin AMK 2018
  • Sankelo-Siivari: Bioteollisuuteen soveltuvia Lapin erikoiskasveja. Kirjallisuus ja tietokantakatsaus. MTT – Rovaniemen tutkimusasema 2001-2003.  50-53
  • Oikarinen, Tapio: Yrtit ja kerhotoiminta. SDPL Yrttiprojekti 1993, Ylöjärvi. ISBN 952-90-4435-6
  • Helpottaa eturauhasen liikakasvun oireita. Tutkittu 70-luvun lopulta lähtien, 34:stä tutkimuksesta 30:ssä koehenkilöiden oireet lievenivät, näistä 6 oli placebokontrolloituja (Chrubasik et. al 2007. Phytomedicine 14: 568 – 579)
  • Eläinkokeissa diureettisia + verenpainetta alentavia vaikutuksia (Chrubasik et. al 2007. Phytomedicine 14: 423 – 435)
  • Eläinkokeissa nopeuttanut vatsahaavan paranemista (Gulcin et al. 2004. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 90:2015-215)
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