Spruce Sprout

Spruce Sprout – Light Green Gold Nugget of Forests of Lapland

Spruce sprouts, also known as spruce buds, are the very first spring treats in the forest. They are loaded with vitamin C. Freeze-drying is the best method to preserve the quality of spruce sprouts.

Superfood from the Forest of Lapland

In the old days, it was common to pick these green gold nuggets straight from the tree in early June. Even today, spruce sprouts are a great help for respiratory passages, such as throat irritation. They freshen the breath and make the voice clearer. Best of all, spruce sprouts are loaded with vitamin C, which supports the normal function of the immune system.

Handpicked, 100% Natural

Spruce sprout powder is an easy way to use spruce sprouts. Freeze-drying preserves their quality excellently. Always smell the jar first—the stunning aroma will make you feel like you are in the forest yourself!

Consuming 1 teaspoon per day mixed with water, tea, smoothie, or yogurt (flavored with a little bit of honey if you wish) not only tastes good but also makes you wanna fly!

Research About Spruce Sprout

Sheds light on the condition of the environment in Lapland from the perspective of various sci entific disciplines, both domestically and in comparison with Europe.

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